Over the last couple of weeks my mouth has been sore...more specifically, it feels like the muscle in my cheek on the right side is just exhausted...this week, it got swollen and I started talking like Sean Connery...off to the dentist I went!
After describing the soreness, numbness, and overall tired feeling I was relieved when she said it was a spasm, not an abscess forming or TMJ! She squeezed my cheek gently and touched the muscle that I felt and said THAT was the spasm. Well heck, if I had known THAT was the problem, I would have tackled it sooner! Apparently I talk too much.
So, muscles relaxer, ibuprofen, a temporary night guard, and a soft food diet for about a week or so should fix me up....the only problem is that I can stay OP with my WW plan (that means on plan, doing what I'm supposed to be doing). But, I'm having trouble figuring out how to exercise.
Do you know how much you use your face? I've had to consciously adjust mine about seven times since I started writing this 5 minutes ago. I need to run, I want to run....I have a race in 4 weeks--FOUR! But running requires me to move my face a lot to breathe correctly, and even without meaning to, I tighten the muscles in my cheeks when I run. Yoga! In yoga, I still tighten my face, but I'm more aware of it because, doing gentle yoga, there is a constant awareness of the muscles and you're always trying to find something to relax in a pose...for me, its almost always my face! So, I'll be yoga-ing a lot this week I think...Free weights! I can do a little bit of cross training, but even then I'm scrunching my face. Did I mention the muscle relaxer makes me feel loopy?
So that's whats going on this week....soup, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, mushy roasted veggies, and milk....that's my diet! All I want is steak, thin crust pizza, a crusty piece of bread for my soup....crunchy food! Hopefully this will all be over soon :)
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