Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday & Happy December!

Happy December! My favorite month for the other 11 months of the year, and then once its here I feel all the rest of the world has found out how awesome Christmastime is and they're trying to steal it away from me! I love Christmas music, the spirit of giving, the love, the whole shebang the most January-November ♥

This year is different though. I feel like this will be the most amazing, special Christmas big plans, no secret surprises, I just feel like I've been SO blessed this year and that a blessed Christmas is coming for my loved ones.

Onto Thankful Thursday:
Today, I'm most thankful for knowing what it feels like to be a blessing to someone who will never find out! I'm so overjoyed and blessed to be able to bless others this season that my heart wants to burst out in song. David's office adopted an Angel Tree child--a child within our community whose family cannot afford to buy Christmas presents. As we've been picking things out for her, I feel so blessed, that, even though I'm far from rich, I am able to buy a couple of outfits and some art supplies, a pair of shoes, a warm blanket...for this child I'll never know and who will certainly never know me. I don't need to know her, I don't want recognition...I'm blessed to know that all over the country there are people like me doing the same thing for children they'll never meet. I'm so thankful to be part of something so good, and loving, and selfless. I'm thankful that I've been put in a place to give with a faithful heart. I'm thankful that this child will not wake up Christmas morning and feel left out or lonely, and that her parents won't feel ashamed to have nothing under their tree.

The tree, the presents, the songs--that doesn't make Christmas--the blessings do! And you never know who you're being a blessing to at any given time...

I'm thankful that even when I don't always know where I'm going, God puts me exactly where I need to be! This is truth in health, relationships, with strangers, with friends, at the grocery store...every day! I'm thankful that I'm blessed and able to recognize it and I hope to pass it on.

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