Saturday, November 5, 2011

Not Getting Overwhelmed

As of this morning I've lost 32.4 pounds or 129.6 sticks of butter or almost the weight of a cinder block. Sorry Paula Deen, that's a LOT of butter! That sounds amazing!! ...until I realize I have 47 (or 188 sticks of butter or two average two-year-olds) more pounds to go...Wow.

Yay! 32 pounds gone :)

This is the part where I have to focus on how far I've come, not how far I have to go. The weight on my driver's license was correct last month when I renewed it, but now it's got me listed at 2 pounds heavier than I actually am! Who didn't lie on her driver's license? This girl! I was soooo proud of putting my actual weight that day, and I was even more proud that the number didn't start with a "2" : )

Anyway, I digress, this is the hard part. I'm 2.8 pounds away from my New Year's Resolution to lose 30 pounds in 2011--how awesome is that?! But I'm 47 pounds away from being in a "healthy" weight range according to that ridiculous BMI calculator. This is the "it takes a village" part of my journey. This is where I need oodles of positive thoughts, written down goals, and consistency to keep myself from becoming overwhelmed with the remainder of the journey.

This is why I love Weight Watchers! The support I get there plays a huge role in my success or failure, but it doesn't depend on anyone but me! In WW World, there are people working to lose 20 pounds and people working to lose 200 pounds and every one of them encourages their peers through every single step of the way--from the first step, to the first 20 point burger, praise, and tough love--it takes a village!

I'm glad that I love, love, love what I am doing because I'm going to be doing it for a while : )

"Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful."
- Albert Schweitzer

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